JCR 2022 Release, 지금 저널 Impact Factor 확인하세요


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저널 Impact Factor를 확인할 수 있는 2022 JCR(Journal Citation Reports)이 발표되었습니다. 내 연구 주제 분야에 어떤 저널이 영향력있는지 Impact Factor를 확인하실 수 있습니다. 지금 확인해보세요!

Tag. if, 임팩트팩터, journal citation reports

See JCR 2022 highlights

The 2021 edition of JCR includes expanded coverage of the journal literature, a new metric and a new interface. Check out the data highlights from JCR 2021.

Go to JCR : JCR 바로가기

Library Website > Online Resources > Databases

도서관홈페이지 > 전자자료 > 데이터베이스

Journals with first-time Journal Impact Factor 2022

There are 192 journals that have a JIF for the first time this year. If you have access to JCR through your institution’s subscription, you can view a rich array of indicators to understand how each journal connects to the scholarly network.

📑 JCR 2022 Reference Guide

- Content -

1. What is the Journal Citation Reports™ (JCR)

2. How is the Journal Impact Factor™ (JIF) calculated

3. How is the Journal Citation Indicator calculated

4. Timing of Appearance in the JCR

5. Title Changes, Mergers and Splits

6. JCR and the Web of Science™

7. Early Access Policy Change

8. Suppressions, Editorial Expressions of Concern

9. Forthcoming titles for Reload

10.Reload scope and timing

11.Acceptable Use

S2Journal Plus에도 JCR 2020 데이터가 업데이트 되었습니다. 

'Journal Ranking' 메뉴에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

CiteScore 2021 value are now live!Scopus - Sources

Scopus기반의 연구지표 CiteScore도 확인해 보세요!

🎥 View CiteScore

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