[Industry Information] Trends and Forecasts in the Semiconductor Market : 반도체 시장의 동향과 전망

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반도체 산업이 확대되면서 전세계의 관심이 쏠리고 있습니다. 반도체 시장의 동향과 전망은 어떨까요? 도서관에서 구독 중인 EMIS 등 데이터베이스를 통해 시장보고서, 반도체 최신 뉴스 등 다양한 정보를 찾아보세요. As the semiconductor market expands, global attention is being paid to it. What are the trends and prospects of the semiconductor market? Check out the industry reports through the EMIS and other databases that the library subscribes to.

Tag. emis, reports, 시장보고서, 산업보고서, 추천보고서

[News] Korea to double number of semiconductor talents

- Date: May30, 2022

- Publication: The Korea Herald 

📰 관련 내용의 한국어기사 바로보기(클릭)

[News] Semiconductor industry to surpass $1 trillion by 2030... "Lead by automobiles and data centers"

[News] 반도체 산업 2030년에 1조달러 돌파..."자동차·데이터센터 주도"

- Date: May 02, 2022

- Publication: Korea IT News(전자신문)

Global Semiconductor Industry - Industry Report - Q1 2022

- Date: May 13, 2022

- Publication: Acquisdata - Global Industry Reports

Semiconductor Machinery Market Global Briefing 2022 Including: Wafer Processing Equipment; Semiconductor Assembly And Packaging Equipment; Other Semiconductor Making Machinery

- Date: May 17, 2022

- Source: TBRC - Global Industry Briefings

South Korea - Semiconductor Industry Update

- Date: June 07, 2022

- Source: NH Investments - Industry Reports

U.S. Semi-Conductor & Electronic Components Mfg.. Report 2022

- Date: October 15, 2021

Source: Barnes Reports - US Industry Research

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Go to EMIS!

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