[e-Resource Trial] De Gruyter SDGs eBook Collection(~8/31)


curated by DGIST LIBRARY

학술문화팀에서 De Gruyter 출판사의 지속가능발전목표 주제 전자책 콜렉션을 8월 31일까지 무료로 제공합니다. 8,100여 종 이상의 과학 기술 뿐 아니라 문학, 사회, 정치 등 전 주제 분야의 도서를 PDF로 자유롭게 이용해보세요. 6월 말까지 진행 중인 OECD iLibrary와 STAR Library eBook 트라이얼 자료 무료 이용도 놓치지 마세요! *지속가능발전목표(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)는 전세계의 빈곤 문제를 해결하고 지속가능발전을 실현하기 위해 2016년부터 2030년까지 유엔과 국제사회가 달성해야 할 목표입니다.

Tag. e-resource trial, de gruyter, sdgs, ebook, 지속가능발전목표

[e-Resource Trial] De Gruyter SDGs eBook Collection(~8/31)

학술문화팀에서 De Gruyter 출판사의 지속가능발전목표 주제 전자책 콜렉션을 세 달 간 무료로 제공합니다. 

과학 기술 뿐 아니라 문학, 사회, 정치 등 전 주제 분야의 도서를 이용해보세요. 

전체 8,100여 종의 도서 중 2022년에 출판된 신간 중 일부를 골라 추천합니다.

1. 시범서비스 기간 : 2022.06.01. ~ 2022.08.31.

2. 문의: 최아름 사서(☎ 053-785-1175, archoi@dgist.ac.kr)

[Librarian's Pick 1] Global Ethics and Climate Change

Finds solutions to the world's greatest challenge – climate change – in global ethics

New for this edition

  • - Includes recent climate diplomacy and international agreements
  • - Presents current data and information on climate science
  • - Updated statistics; e.g. in chapters and sections that look at poverty and wealth
  • - Expanded learning guide for students and lecturers

Global Ethics and Climate Change combines the science of climate change with ethical critique to expose its impact, the increasing intensity of dangerous trends – particularly growing global affluence, material consumption and pollution – and the intensifying moral dimensions of changes to the environment. It shows you that global justice is vital to mitigating climate change.

[Librarian's Pick 2] Chemistry and Energy

This book focuses on the processes and materials behind energy technologies. The author details the underlying chemistry of renewable sources, such as biofuels and wind power, as well as the traditionally used coal and gas. Chapters on energy storage technologies and the connection between energy generation and climate change round off this uniquely concise overview of the relationship between chemistry and energy.

  • - Explains how chemistry becomes energy.
  • - A systematic approach to all major energy sources, from coal and gas to nuclear and "green" technologies.

[Librarian's Pick 3] Chemical Reaction Technology

The book discusses the sciences of operations, converting raw materials into desired products on an industrial scale by applying chemical transformations and other industrial technologies. Basics of chemical technology combining chemistry, physical transport, unit operations and chemical reactors are thoroughly prepared for an easy understanding.

  • New edition with more on the conceptual process design and on unit operations including quantitative treatment.
  • Plus 20 more processes.
  • [Librarian's Pick 4] Citizenship in Britain

    An historical introduction to the varieties of citizenship in Britain, starting in the Middle Ages and bringing the story right up to the present day.

    Both the status and understanding of citizenship in practice and the theoretical and advisory writings on the subject are introduced, and their inter-relationships are explored.

    [Librarian's Pick 5] Working Feminism

    Working Feminism looks at key concepts and debates within feminist theory and puts them to work concretely in relation to the real problems faced by Filipina domestic workers and Asian youth in Canada. It draws to the fore the metaphorical and concrete geographies that lie implicit and underdeveloped within much feminist theory and suggests that a geographical imagination offers a means of reframing debates beyond polarised theoretical and political positions. Alternating between theoretical and empirical chapters, substantial and wide-ranging discussions of human rights, multiculturalism, transnationalism and feminist politics are brought to earth and - by putting them into the context of individual predicaments - to life. The empirical chapters build from a decade-long collaboration with an activist group - the Philippine Women Centre - in Vancouver, Canada. They demonstrate the fruits of a close and innovative engagement between poststructuralist feminist theory and participatory action research. The book demonstrates the immediate practicality of abstract debate, and works away at divisions between culturalist and materialist, theoretical and practical feminisms.

    [Librarian's Pick 6] Can We Unlearn Racism?

    If no one is born hating another person, does it mean we can unlearn racism?

    [e-Resource Trial 1] 국제 통계 & 보고서 DB OECD iLibrary

    러시아가 우크라이나에서 벌이고 있는 전쟁은 전 세계에 어떤 영향을 미치게 될까요? OECD에서 발표하는 사회경제 전망 보고서를 읽어보세요. 학술문화팀에서는 경제협력개발기구(OECD) 및 IEA, UN 등 국제기구에서 출판하는 단행본(eBook), 정기간행물, 각종 보고서, 통계를 제공하는 데이터베이스 OECE iLibrary를 6월 말까지 무료로 서비스합니다.

    [e-Resource Trial 2] OUP, IOP, Springer 출판사 eBook 시범서비스 안내(~6/30)

    DGIST-KAIST-GIST-UNIST 구성원을 잇는 STAR Library에서 유명 출판사들의 해외 학술 전자책 시범서비스(Trial Service)를 제공합니다. OUP 출판사는 5월, IOP와 Springer 출판사는 6월까지 총 38,000여권의 eBook을 마음껏 이용해보세요~!

    * 불법, 상업/광고, 욕설 등의 댓글은 삭제될 수 있습니다.