[온라인 기획전시] The Best Science Images of 2020


curated by DGIST LIBRARY

여러분, 2020년 잘 마무리하셨나요~?! 도서관 갤러리에 2021년을 맞이하는 멋진 작품들을 걸어 소개해드리고 싶지만, 코로나-19 예방을 위해 잠시 미루고 온라인으로 만나 뵙겠습니다. 이번 온라인 전시 주제는 '2020년 최고의 과학분야 사진'입니다. Nature, National Geographic, CNRS(프랑스국립과학연구센터)에서 선정한 최고의 사진들과 Nikon에서 매년 진행하는 현미경사진전 수상작들을 소개해드릴게요!

Tag. exhibition, gallery, 전시회, 온라인전시, 집콕, 사진전, science images

[Nature] The best science images of 2020

A new virus, wafer-thin solar cells, gene‑edited squid and more.

[National Geographic] The best science pictures of 2020

Asteroids, microbes, and, of course, coronavirus: These photographs capture a year in which science has been championed—and challenged—in unprecedented ways.

2020 Year in Pictures 전 분야 사진 바로보기(click)

[NASA] Best Space Station Science Pictures of 2020

It has been a busy year of research aboard the International Space Station. In November, we celebrated the 20th year of continuous human presence aboard the space station, which so far has hosted 242 people and more than 3,000 science experiments. During the past year, research has ranged from growing radishes in microgravity to capturing 360-degree footage of life aboard station to monitoring our planet. The crew aboard station increased to a record number of seven concurrent long-duration crew members thanks to the Commercial Crew Program. This increase creates more time for conducting research which benefits people on Earth while helping prepare us to explore farther into space.

Look at some of the breakthrough investigations crew members worked on in 2020.

Want to see more space station pictures? Check out our science photo highlights from 201620172018, and 2019.

[CNRS] Our best science images of 2020

Discover the 20 winning photographs of the second edition of La Preuve par l’Image, a competition organized by the CNRS in partnership with the ACFAS (Association francophone pour le savoir). The event rewards images derived from research in all scientific fields.

[Nikon’s Small World] 2020 Photomicrography Competition

Nikon’s Small World is regarded as the leading forum for showcasing the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope.

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