[학사지원팀x학술문화팀] 2020 UGRP 우수포스터 비대면 전시


curated by Librarian, KayKim

DGIST 융복합대학 학생 심포지엄-UGRP포스터세션 수상작 5편을 소개합니다. 융복합대학 학생 심포지엄은 학부생이 학사일정 간 수행해 온 각종 연구내용을 발표하고 피드백을 받는 기회로서 활용하고 연구에 참여하고 있지 않는 학생이라 하더라도 페임랩(FameLab) 형식의 발표를 통해 관심 높은 과학지식을 공유함으로써 교내 학술토론문화 조성에 이바지하고자 하며 나아가 융복합대학 학생이 주체가 되는 전통 있는 DGIST 학부생 학술교류의 장(場)으로 만들어 가기 위한 행사입니다.

Tag. ugrp, 포스터세션, 학생 심포지엄, 학사지원팀, 콜라보

Student Symposium Portal - Course@DGIST

[최우수포스터] 어류 표피의 박테리아가 어류의 상처회복에 미치는 영향 - 윤태리, 신소은, 방경원, 이무근Course@DGIST


The purpose of this study is to identify the molecular mechanism of skin wound regeneration through native freshwater fish. In the first experiment, seven species of native fish selected based on habitat were introduced to wound and two species of fish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Aphytopris chinensis) with excellent wound recovery ability were selected. In the second experiment, we compared the rate of wound recovery between group A raised in APW and group B exposed to Rifampicin to see if the rate of wound recovery varies when antibiotics affect the composition and distribution of fish epidermis bacteria. At this time, the above two experiments used a measurement method called wound closure kinetics and pigment percent area. As a result, there were significant differences in both measurement methods in Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. However, significant differences were observed only in wound closure kinetics in the case of Aphytopris chinensis. This allows us to predict that the bacteria affected the wound recovery process in Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. However, it is not clear whether there has been a change in the epidermis bacteria. Therefore, metagenomics analysis is under way to confirm if the composition of the bacteria has actually changed. Therefore, in this study, we studied fish species with excellent wound healing ability whether these wounds came from genomes of each species or from bacteria that co-exist in the skin.

[우수포스터] 미숙아의 근력측정을 위한 악력, 흡입력 측정 장치 개발 - 배현진, 유승선, 장종원, 한소영Course@DGIST


The grip strength of an infant is one of the parameters that can indirectly check the development of the psychomotor development system. For newborn babies, communication is impossible and grip force is small, making it impossible to induce by measuring only the vertical force of the existing grip system. A chamber was used to receive pressure applied to measure a force independent of the direction by a single device, and membrane was used to convert the pressure of fluid changing with the movement of the chamber into a vertical. These subtle changes in the position of membrane were quantified by measurements using sensitive magnetic sensors. The chamber we have conceived can detect external pressure changes within the range of 0 to 8 kpa, and the membrane shows a distance change of 0 to 2 mm depending on the external pressure changes. If there is a change in the station of the membrane, the magnet attached to the membrane eventually moves together to change the magnetic field, and the magnetic sensor can confirm the change in the magnetic field by measuring the -1 mV to 1 mV voltage difference. This allows the calculation of the degree of external pressure change. The device we suggest is easy to measure the grip of newborn babies in both sensitivity and size. In addition, accumulation of data through long-term measurements can contribute to further study of the correlation between other diseases and grip forces by establishing a table for the existing normal range of infant grip forces.

[우수포스터] 자율자동차 기반 스마트 캠퍼스 조성 - 류준상, 서은빈, 송주호, 신관준, 심건희, 양재승, 여호영, 이구, 이승기Course@DGIST


This research team planned a three-year (3rd stage) study with the goal of developing and operating autonomous shuttles on and off campus. 2020 is the first stage of development, with the goal of implementing an autonomous shuttle service on campus. We have conducted a study with autonomous vehicle platform (ERP-42) and electric vehicle (Hyundai Ioniq). We modified hardware of the two platforms to suit autonomous driving (wiring, sensor design, etc.), and we made a program to simplify communication command and message between the vehicle and the sensor. We performed lane-tracking and changing lane by recognizing lanes with camera. Static/dynamic obstacles are recognized by camera and LiDAR. Also we could conduct obstacle avoidance driving. In addition, accurate global-path tracking was performed with GPS and HD Map, and the accuracy of localization is improved by adding SLAM.

[우수포스터] DGIST 캠퍼스 생활 안전을 위한 4족 보행로봇 개발 - 이지환, 정제일, 백민혁, 윤하은, 이호균, 김태수


본 연구는 DGIST 캠퍼스내에서 자유롭게 돌아다니면서 안전/순찰 역할을 할 수 있는 4족 보행 로봇을 만드는 것을 목표로 한다.

[인기포스터] 노화에 따른 말초신경 탈수초화 및 근육제어, 기전 연구 - 류혜지, 박지현, 장영수, 조수진Course@DGIST


The human nervous system is composed of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Each system seems to function independently, but shares some portions. Therefore, the glial cells of each nervous system perform somewhat similar functions, and representative example of this is the similarity between the oligodendrocytes of the CNS and Schwann cells of the PNS. The main function of these cells is to form the myelin sheath, which wrap and protect the axon of neurons. They undergo a process of development, maturation, and regeneration. In each process, several factors, such as c-jun, and signals are involved.

Cells may be damaged or function abnormally through the aging process. As a result, it can have negative consequences for myelination, leading to diseases related to the central and peripheral nervous systems. Therefore, if a path leading to myelinization is found, it will be possible to solve the problem of not forming a normal myelin sheath and the problem that efficient remyelination does not proceed. In this study, drugs that induce Sox10, which are known to affect the myelinization process, were screened in a natural compound library, and four compounds showing an effect on Sox10 induction so far were selected. In the future, we plan to conduct research to find Sox10-inducing compounds applicable to humans through in vivo experiments using mouse models. Using the found compounds, we expect that it will be able to contribute to the study of diseases caused by abnormal myelinization by uncovering the specific mechanism that sox10 has on myelinization.

[Student Symposium Portal] 더 많은 내용보기Student Symposium Portal - Course@DGIST

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