[Webinar] Identifying Predatory Journals and Conferences(8th July, 16:00-17:00)

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Cambridge University Press에서 저널 출판과 피어리뷰 등 학술출판에 대한 웨비나 시리즈(Academic Publishing Webinars)를 진행하고 있습니다! 이번주에는 약탈적 학술지와 부실학회의 특징을 알아보고, 이로 인한 피해를 예방할 수 있는 방법을 소개하는 세션이 진행되니 관심있는 DGIST 구성원들이라면 어서 등록하세요~ (웨비나는 영어로 진행되며, 종료 후 안내 페이지 및 Youtube에서 관련 슬라이드, 동영상을 보실 수 있습니다. )

Tag. predatory journals, predatory conferences, cambridge university press, academic publishing webinars

Academic Publishing Webinar

Register Link

Academic Publishing Webinars(Cambridge University Press)

Cambridge University Press will be hosting a series of webinars from May to August 2020 that focuses on academic publishing. Each webinar looks at a different topic, covering all you need to know about publishing journal articles and academic books.

*Once you register, you will receive an email invite to attend the webinar with details 48 hours before the webinar starts.

*Participating in the Academic Publishing Webinar Series is free of charge.

Can't make the webinar? Don't worry, each webinar will be recorded and a link circulated via email afterward.

Speakers' Profile

Joe Ng, Acquisitions Editor, Cambridge University PressJoe Ng 伍志宏 | Cambridge University Press

Joe Ng has worked in publishing since 2004 and is a Master's graduate (Information Studies) of Nanyang Technological University and has a civil engineering degree from the National University of Singapore. He is based in Singapore with responsibility for authors based in East Asia and ASEAN.

Webinar Resources

Past Webinar 01

Publishing in International Journals: An Introduction (14 May 2020)

Past Webinar 02

Publishing in International Journals: Submission and Peer Review (28 May 2020)

Past Webinar 03

How to Peer Review Journal Articles (11 Jun 2020)

More Resources

Resource 01

DGIST Library 학술자원가이드 - 부실학회와 약탈적 학술지

Resource 02

DGIST 부실 학술활동 피해 예방대책(Kor./Eng.)

Resource 03

한국연구재단 부실학술활동 예방 가이드(Kor./Eng.)

Database 01

S2Journal: 학술저널정보 종합DBJournal

SCIE, SCOPUS, KCI, MEDLINE 등 등재 저널과 약탈적 저널을 모은 Beall's List, WASET, Omics 등 부실학회 목록을 검색하실 수 있습니다. 투고 전에 체크하세요!

Database 02

KISTI 건전학술활동지원시스템건전학술활동지원시스템

학술지 검색 / 의심학술지, 학술행사 신고

* 불법, 상업/광고, 욕설 등의 댓글은 삭제될 수 있습니다.