인공지능 분야 저널 추천 - Featured AI Journals for Advanced Research

매일, 매순간 혁신을 거듭하고 있는 인공지능 분야의 핵심 저널을 소개합니다. 2022 JIF를 참고하여 선정한 10종의 도서관 구독 저널, 그리고 신규 저널 NEJM AI를 소개합니다. Introducing the featured journals in the ever-evolving field of artificial intelligence, showcasing innovation every day and every moment. We have curated 10 journals for library subscription based on the 2022 Journal Impact Factor (JIF). Additionally, we are pleased to introduce the new journal, NEJM AI.
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Click the 'Full Screen' button at the bottom right to view in full-screen mode! The e-journals featured in this content are exclusively available to DGIST members. For instructions on accessing the site from off-campus locations, click the 'Off-Campus Access' button.