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EBSCOhost 플랫폼에서 제공하는 TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING주제의 해외 전자책을 소개합니다. EBSCOhost 뿐만 아니라 ProQues와 출판사에서도 열람 가능한 전자책도 있습니다. 더 많은 전자책은 [도서관 홈페이지]-[전자정보]-[해외전자책]을 통해서 이용하실 수 있으니 참고부탁드립니다. 편리하신 플랫폼을 선택하여 전자책을 이용해보세요!

EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page - Ehost2Permanent Magnet and Electromechanical Devices : Materials, Analysis, and Applications

Authors: Furlani, Edward P.

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9780122699511 / 9780080513690

Subject: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Electronics /

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

Platform: EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2001

EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page - Ehost2Advanced Engineering and Computational Methodologies for Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics

Authors: Sirouspour, Shahin

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9781466636347 / 9781466636354 / 9781466637047.


Publisher: IGI Global

Platform: EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2013

EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page - Ehost2Public Engagement on Genetically Modified Organisms: When Science and Citizens Connect: A Workshop Summary

Authors: Rhodes, Holly Greenwood / National Research Council (U.S.) / Sawyer, Keegan

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9780309374217 / 9780309374224 / 9780309374248.

Subject: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Agronomy / Crop Science

Publisher:  National Academies Press

Platform: EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2015

EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page - Ehost2Advanced Motorsport Engineering

Authors: Livesey, Andrew

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9780750689083 / 9781136077425 / 9781136077418

Subject: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Automotive

Publisher:  Taylor & Francis Ltd

Platform: EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2012

상세 정보 페이지Copyright in the Digital Era: Building Evidence for Policy

Authors: William J. Raduchel,

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9780309278959 / 9780309278966


Publisher:  National Academies Press

Platform: ebrary / EBSCO

Publication Year: 2013

EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page - Ehost2Techniques in Inorganic Chemistry

Authors: Falvello, Larry / Fackler, John P.

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9781439815144 / 9781138117778 / 9781439815151.

Subject: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Materials Science / General

Publisher:  Taylor & Francis Ltd

Platform: EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2011

EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page - Ehost2Water Technology : An Introduction for Environmental Scientists and Engineers

Authors: Gray, N. F.

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9781856177054 / 9780080959641

Subject: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Environmental / Water Supply

Publisher:  Butterworth-Heinemann

Platform: EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2010

EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page - Ehost2Renewable Energy Systems: The Earthscan Expert Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies for Home and Business

Authors: Jenkins, Dilwyn

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9781849713696 / 9781136302749 / 9781136302732.

Subject: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Power Resources / Alternative & Renewable

Publisher:  Routledge

Platform: EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2013

상세 정보 페이지Planning and Design Guidelines for Small Craft Harbors

Authors: Task Committee on Marinas 2020

P-ISBN / E- ISBN:  9780784411988 / 9780784476499

Subject: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Hydraulics

Publisher:  American Society of Civil Engineers

Platform: Ebrary EBSCOhost

Publication Year: 2012

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