See science in action! 동영상 저널, JoVE


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동영상으로 볼 수 있는 저널이 있다는 걸 아시나요? 글과 그림만으로 저널을 이해하기 힘든 당신을 위한 동영상 저널, JoVE를 소개합니다. 우리 기관에서 구독하고 있는 JoVE Journal의 5개 세션과 초보 연구자를 위한 JoVE Science Education의 4개 섹션의 동영상을 큐레이션을 통해서 만나보세요. See science in action!

JoVE | Peer Reviewed Scientific Video Journal - Methods and ProtocolsJoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

논문을 읽을 때 실험은 사진과 글만으로는 이해하기 어려운 부분이 있지 않나요? 이 어려움을 해결하기 위해 동영상 저널이 만들어졌습니다! JoVE는 PubMed를 기반으로 인덱싱된 최초의 동영상 저널로 5-10분 정도의 짧은 동영상을 제공하고 있습니다. 이 동영상으로  실험과정을 보다 쉽게 이해할 수 있으며 논문은 원문 PDF로도 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. Facebook 등 소셜미디어로 공유,  Endnote 등으로 Citation 반출도 가능합니다.

현재 우리 기관이 구독하고 있는 섹션은 5개의 JoVE Journal (Biology, Neurosience, Medicine, Bioengineering, Immunology and Infection) 과 2017년부터 신규 구독을 결정한 JoVE Science Education의 4개 섹션 (Bagic Biology, Advanced Biology, Psychology and Environmental Sciences) 입니다.

JoVE와 함께 저널을 동영상으로 이해하고 실험 연구 과정을 익혀보세요!

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) is the world’s first PubMed-indexed scientific video journal. Its mission is to advance scientific research and education by increasing productivity, reproducibility, and efficiency of knowledge transfer for scientists, educators, and students worldwide through visual learning solutions.

학술자원가이드(LibGuides): 2017년도 신규 구독자료 안내: JoVE

JoVE의 매뉴얼이 필요하다면 여기로!

매뉴얼을 다운받을 수 있습니다.

JoVE Science EducationJoVE Science Education

초보 연구자라면 이 저널을 놓치지 마세요! 쉽고 간단한 동영상으로 연구의 학습 속도를 높이고 실험실의 생산성을 향상시킬 수 있는 JoVE Science Education입니다. 우리 기관이 구독하고 있는 섹션은 Bagic Biology, Advanced Biology, Psychology and Environmental Sciences로 총 4 섹션입니다.

JoVE Science Education is the revolutionary video database dedicated to teaching scientific fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations.

Curator Comment

The science faculty and library staff at Conrad Weiser High School are using JoVE Science Education to greatly enhance how fundamental lab skills are taught and learned. Watch how JoVE Science Education is improving student engagement and success!

Biology/Essentials of Biochemistry/Essentials of Physical Examinations III Protocols and Video ArticlesJoVE Biology

JoVE Biology welcomes all general biology research methodologies. Content in this section canvases all fields of cell, molecular, and organismal biology, ranging from new applications of standard techniques to novel approaches aimed at understanding the functions of life and living organisms. This diverse section includes, but is not limited to, techniques in physical biology, cellular biochemistry, genetics, physiology, systems biology and a combination of eukaryotic and prokaryotic model systems.

Curator Comment

JoVE Biology

Neuroscience/Essentials of Biochemistry/Essentials of Physical Examinations III Protocols and Video ArticlesJoVE Neuroscience

JoVE Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary section devoted to investigations of the structure, function, physiology, and pathophysiology of the brain and nervous system. Included methodologies range from molecular and cellular level studies to full central and peripheral neural systems. Potential treatment platforms and surgical techniques for neurological diseases and disorders are also presented in this section.

Curator Comment

JoVE Neuroscience

Medicine/Essentials of Biochemistry/Essentials of Physical Examinations III Protocols and Video ArticlesJoVE Medicine

JoVE Medicine serves as a connection between basic research and clinical applications. Articles may present medical procedures, case studies or clinical trial methodologies. Included studies are often modeled towards predictive, preventative, personalized, and practical approaches to treatment of disease. The goal of research methodologies in this section is to improve overall patient care and prognosis.

Curator Comment

JoVE Medicine

Bioengineering/Essentials of Biochemistry/Essentials of Physical Examinations III Protocols and Video ArticlesJoVE Bioengineering

JoVE Bioengineering merges both physical and life sciences to understand and predict biological processes. Applying physical science tools to life science questions allow for the discovery of better technologies to measure, diagnose, and clinically treat disease.

Curator Comment

JoVE Bioengineering

Immunology and Infection/Essentials of Biochemistry/Essentials of Physical Examinations III Protocols and Video ArticlesJoVE Immunology and Infection

JoVE Immunology and Infection includes content from a variety of fields working toward a shared initiative of improving global health. Techniques evaluating the biological response to pathogens from the molecular to organismal level are presented as well as therapeutic agents and their efficacy in treating disease.

Curator Comment

JoVE Immunology and Infection

* 불법, 상업/광고, 욕설 등의 댓글은 삭제될 수 있습니다.